Submissions will be received electronically. To prepare
your manuscript please follow the guidelines explained below:
Submitted papers should include the following information:
1. Conference Name: EPCS2010
2. Title of the paper
3. Name(s) of author(s) with the name of the person presenting the paper
followed by an asterisk (*)
4. Institutional affiliation of author(s), with complete mailing address and
e-mail of the presenter.
5. At least four-five key words related with
the subject of the submitted paper.
6. If the paper is to be considered for the Wicksell Prize Competition, this
should be explicitly stated, with information on the age of applicant(s) as
of December 31, 2008. If the paper is co-authored, the age of all authors
should be stated.
Decisions on acceptance of submitted papers will be communicated not later
than January 31, 2009. Registration should be completed before February 28,
Please submit a COMPLETE PAPER and also an ABSTRACT , which should be no
longer than 100 words.
Note: The full paper file format should
be .doc or .pdf.
Submission procedure with Easychair
Submitted papers
should be uploaded through the Easychair conference management system.
To submit your paper,
please follow the instructions below.
1. If you don't have
an EasyChair account, please register to obtain an account using a valid
e-mail address.
(Note: please use
Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox)
2. Then, log in to
EasyChair using the following link:
3. Upon a successful login, you will see the Main Interface. Click on 'New
4. Fill out the
information on the corresponding author, co-authors, title, and abstract.
Note that a (*) marks a mandatory field that must be specified.
5. Please specify at
least 2 keywords describing your submission and select one or more of the
topics listed below that are relevant to your paper.
6. Click on Choose
File to select the file to upload and make sure that it is in PDF or
Microsoft Word format (.doc)
7. Finally, press the
'Submit Paper' button to complete the submission. You will receive a
confirmation e-mail that your submission was successful.
8. You will receive a
notification e-mail from the Program Committee chairs, if your paper
fulfills the requirements of being accepted for presentation at EPCS2010.
9. Please do not send
us your submissions by email or hard copies.